Thursday, August 23, 2007


I am happy to say that I found an author that has the same character experiencing the different seasons of the year for the first time. I decided to use those stories for my project. We have the same children attend storytime until they start school. I think they will enjoy hearing about the same character during the different programs throughout the year. After all, J.K. Rowlings had millions of readers lining up at midnight to read the latest about Harry Potter.
The two folktales for the elementary school is not going as quickly. I have been reading them from just about every culture and I have to say they all seem very dark. There must be two stories where death is not involved. I keep reading hoping to find them. Time is running out so I hope to find them soon.
Yesterday, I had one of my programs at the branch. It went extremely well. Everyone had a great time. I also got my last craft ready for the three storytimes that are in September. So far I am managing to jungle all the different balls and not drop any of them.

Monday, August 20, 2007

LATI Assignments

Hi, I am back. Since I completed my 23things I thought that would be the end of my entries to my blog. LATI wants us to post our progress on our project and homework assignments. My project is still in the beginning stages. I have decided to do a feltboard for each of the four seasons of the year and two folktales. The four seasons will be aimed to 3-4 year olds that attend storytime. The two folktales will be aimed for elementary school to use when we have our school visits. I think using folktales from two different cultures would be more interesting than two stories from the same culture.
On the homework assignment I can say I am making progress. I have been researching my 35 reference sources and feel confident that I will have them all completed by the due date of October 3rd. I finished my Google/Medline Plus Challenge and posted my finding to the General Discussion Board.
Looking at the assignment list besides my 35 reference sources I have to complete and email my project information form by Sept 26, the reader's advisory resurces/books which I have read just have not completed the module which is due Oct 18th. Project GROW-TH Brochure is due Oct 31 and I haven't read what that is about yet. The project showcase is Nov 8th so I guess I have to get started pretty soon on that if I want to be done on time. Luckily my work to get my four programs and three storytimes ready for my library branch is almost done. Once they are complete I can really concentrate on my project for LATI.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 9, Thing 23: Summarize Your Thoughts About This Program

I have to say it was enjoyable for the most part. Some areas were very frustrating. The time it took to complete each weeks exercise was longer than I thought they would be. I did learn alot on new things and am happy I was a part of the program. If they offer another program I would be very interested in it.
Describing my learning experience in a few words very trying but very interesting.

Week 9, Thing 22: Downloadable Audiobooks

I checked an audiobook out of NetLibrary for this exercise. Unfortunately, I am not able to download it to my computer at work. That is okay since I don't enjoy books on cd or tape. I enjoy holding a paper book and reading the words to myself. Can see where this would be good for people with long commutes that don't have time to get to the library and check out a book on cd.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 9, Thing 21: Useful search tools for locationg podcasts

I did not enjoy the podcasts at all. I signed up for one to bloglines but I don't ever see me listening to it.

Week 9, Thing 20: Discover YouTube

I enjoyed the videos about the library and cockateils. Many of the videos played for longer than I wanted on my blog. Since my blog is named for my pets, I decided to add the video Kiwi Lordess of the Rings.